Friday, June 3, 2011

Wow. Just wow.



1 comment:

Athena said...

Um, WTF? Seriously. I agree that most (English) female writers write differently than male writers - but that has a lot more to do with word choice than with actual content.

Also, I hadn't ever heard of this guy before I read this article and for all I know, he's the best writer in the whole damn world - but I'm severely doubting that he has read every female author out there, or even most of them, so he has zero basis to claim that none are equal to him - unless he thinks no one can match his writing...

Sorry, ranting. I know I'm likely preeching to the choir, as it were, but still. It kind of makes me glad that my genre fiction will never win a nobel prize; I feel kind of gross sharing my species with this guy - I'd hate to have anything else in common with him.